Ministry Park

Ministry park is the space between the two churches at 27 2nd Ave right in the middle of Poe Mill. It serves as an outdoor space for all of the neighborhood ministries.

There’s a play-ground, picnic tables, and a pavilion with a sound system. This is a great location for block parties! Last year, we held the Poe Mill Spring Block Party there.

It’s also a great place for teaching and preaching. We held our Wednesday night services there throughout the entire summer of 2021.

And we’re not the only ones who use the space. Here’s the current line up of ministries you can find at the park:

Tuesday Night Friends

Mark Clayton has been hosting Tuesday night friends for years. Every Tuesday night at 6 p.m. a group meets at the park for a meal and teaching. Mark has a great crew of regulars from the neighborhood who are faithful to come each week. They go deep into the scriptures. It’s not like a short, evangelistic devotional thought. Mark usually prints everyone out 3-5 pages of notes and they study the Bible for almost 45 minutes.

Nothing But Jesus Street Ministry

We love this effort! Each Saturday at 4 p.m. a big crowd gathers at ministry park for food and fellowship in the name of Jesus. NBJSM gives out much needed supplies as well such blankets and coats. Several churches are involved and they meet rain or shine all-year-round.

Worship in the Park

Every Sunday at 4 p.m. Scott Weinart, who was instrumental in founding ministry park, and his team hosts a worship service in the park. There is a meal and a time to eat and then you basically enjoy a church service together. Scott is a fantastic Bible teacher who has spoken at Griggs a couple of times and is able to pull out rich gospel-centered truths out of each text.

We’d be glad to help you get involved in any of these weekly gatherings at Ministry Park. For more information just drop us a note.


Soteria Community Development Corp.


Vision Sunday Handout