At Griggs, we take the scriptures very seriously. In the scriptures, we see the call to baptism for those who have believed in Jesus and follow him. So we want you to get baptized! But we want you to be baptized biblically. 

We think that means that you should understand enough about the scriptures and your relationship with God to have a conversation with one of our pastors and answer these four questions: 

Who is Jesus? 

How has Jesus changed my heart and life (in small or big ways)? 

What is Baptism? 

Why do I want to get baptized? 

Before that conversation, it may be helpful for you to review a handful of truths from the scripture on Baptism. We’ve listed some of those truths here: 

Baptism doesn’t earn for you a home in heaven.

Jesus’ incarnation (God becoming man), sinlessness, blood, death, and resurrection earns you a home in heaven as a gift of grace. (Colossians 2:6-15; Ephesians 2:8-9)

 Baptism doesn’t earn you the Holy Spirit 

Jesus’ incarnation, sinlessness, blood, death, and resurrection earns you the Holy Spirit (God living inside of you) as a gift of grace. (John 16:7; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

Baptism is a symbol

Baptism (which literally means immersion or being put under) symbolizes what Jesus  did for us on the cross when he died and was buried. Obviously, we pull you up out of the water, which symbolizes what Jesus did for us by rising again from death. (Romans 6:3-8)

Baptism symbolizes your commitment to Jesus. You are immersed under the water as a symbol of being “dead to sin.” This doesn’t mean that you will never sin again, but it means you now realize that sin is an enemy, to be apologized for and repented of, and  you will try to fight your sin on a daily basis as you follow Jesus. As we raise you up from the water, this is a symbol of your new life in Christ. Meaning you will now try to live your life, to the best of your ability, like Jesus lived his life, loving your neighbor as yourself. 

Baptism is a commandment (Matthew 28:16-20)

Jesus’ commanded that if you believe in him, trust him for your forgiveness and eternal life, and follow him, you should be baptized. Why? 

Baptism is going public 

From the beginning, Jesus’ commandment to be baptized is basically the commandment to go public with your faith. This is why we cannot baptize you in a private, one-on-one ceremony. We baptize you in front of witnesses like the church. Because in baptism what you are doing is making:

A public statement that you believe in Jesus and trust him for salvation from sin and eternal life. You are forsaking all other “gods” and forsaking religion (trusting in your own works for salvation) and putting all of your hope in his life and work, which was done in your place. (Acts 8:27-39)

A public statement that you are following Jesus as part of his church. Meaning that all who are following Jesus with you should entreat you to come back to your commitment to Christ should you stray from it. (1 Corinthians 12:12-18)

If you have any other questions, or if YOU want to get baptized, simply ask one of the pastors at Griggs. We’re always ready and willing to have this conversation. 


